1.
"Sometimes
we
forget
that
we're
on
the
same
team.
"
【心照不宣】
2.
"Communication
is
key,
but
listening
is
just
as
important.
"
【执耳倾听】
3.
"The
best
way
to
resolve
an
argument
is
to
focus
on
finding
a
solution,
not
on
winning.
"
【和为贵】
4.
"Anger
and
frustration
can
blind
us
to
the
real
issue
at
hand.
"
【情绪控制】
5.
"We
all
make
mistakes
and
say
things
we
don't
mean,
but
forgiveness
is
essential
for
moving
forward.
"
【化干戈为玉帛】
6.
"Remembering
why
we
fell
in
love
in
the
first
place
can
help
us
get
through
tough
times.
"
【回归初心】
7.
"It's
not
about
who's
right
or
wrong,
it's
about
finding
common
ground
and
compromise.
"
【妥协求同】
8.
"Assuming
the
worst
in
each
other
only
leads
to
more
negativity
and
hurt.
"
【树正思想】
9.
"Taking
a
break
to
cool
down
can
often
be
the
best
way
to
approach
a
difficult
conversation.
"
【缓解紧张】
10.
"It's
okay
to
agree
to
disagree
-
there's
value
in
differing
opinions.
"
【见仁见智】
11.
"Name-calling
and
insults
only
make
things
worse.
"
【言语有力】
12.
"It's
easy
to
get
caught
up
in
the
heat
of
the
moment,
but
sometimes
we
need
to
take
a
step
back
and
evaluate
the
situation.
"
【有话好好说】
13.
"Using
'I'
statements
instead
of
'you'
statements
can
shift
the
tone
of
the
conversation
and
promote
understanding.
"
【讲求方式】
14.
"Making
compromises
doesn't
mean
giving
up
your
own
values
or
principles.
"
【取长补短】
15.
"Respect
and
empathy
go
a
long
way
in
diffusing
a
tense
situation.
"
【交往有方】
16.
"Avoiding
blame
and
taking
responsibility
for
our
own
actions
can
lead
to
a
more
productive
conversation.
"
【切实负责】
17.
"It's
important
to
address
issues
as
they
arise,
rather
than
letting
them
fester
and
become
bigger
problems.
"
【早发现,早解决】
18.
"Sometimes
we
need
outside
help,
like
therapy
or
counselling,
to
navigate
through
conflicts.
"
【聪明的选择】
19.
"Patience
and
understanding
can
often
break
down
walls
and
create
a
path
towards
resolution.
"
【宽容待人】
20.
"At
the
end
of
the
day,
we're
all
human
and
we
all
make
mistakes
-
it's
how
we
handle
them
that
matters.
"
【人无完人】