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  1. 来说说考研时英语达到70分是什么概念
  2. fashion英语作文
  3. 有温度的话语 作文









〖One〗、 I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.

〖Two〗、 The trainers are young people’s favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and fortable if they’re made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.

〖Three〗、 However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very*** art.

〖Four〗、 I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!

〖Five〗、 fashion and personality:The personality of a person is reflected by the clothes he or she wears. Not only clothing, but there are so many factors which affect your personality. There are so many things that affect your personality including clothes, shoes, and accessories, etc. Your attire has so much power that it can make or mar your personality. Although its' good to follow fashion and trends, but one shall not loose his or her individuality and personality in the race of fashion. Lets' discuss a few factors which shall be kept under consideration with regards to fashion and your personality.Do not rely entirely on fashion media. Stay aware and in touch with latest fashion styles, but don't follow them mindlessly. Decide what suits you best and choose the best one from the prevailing fashion trends. If you buy an expensive short dress just because it is in style, and unfortunately it doesn't suits you, all your investment goes in vain.It's good to develop a style of your own, but it shall not be like that you will go on with the same for the next three-four years. It will rather make you look boring with always a same style. Keep on buying some fashion magazines and extract out something nice for you from them. You can spice up your existing wardrobe by bining them with latest accessories, such as shoes, handbags, jewelry and even a new hair-cut will work out!So, transform yourself according to current fashion trends, but develop a style of your own, so that everybody gets attracted towards your me*** erizing look.请自行删减吧。






1〖One〗、 20世纪30年代,把时尚穿在身上。

1〖Two〗、 20世纪30年代也正是旗袍的黄金时期,在那时,旗袍引领着时尚,也形成了时尚。















2〖Seven〗、 2005年,时尚是想唱就唱,热情奔放。




3〖One〗、 Fashion clothes I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now.The trainers are young people's favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and fortable if they're made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther.However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very*** art.I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!

3〖Two〗、 Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That's very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen.And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her.Ann was a lovely girl. Sh... The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees.Our class was all proud of them. Especially Lucy, like red, brown and blue, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. Lucy wore that just like a queen.And Lily. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her.Ann was a lovely girlLast Sunday;s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. It has checks with different colors. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That'

3〖Three〗、 You are here: Home 11 Fashion Trends We're Definitely Not Thankful For Tis the season to revel in the good stuff life has to offer. The holiday spirit inspires a strong sense of gratitude for a well-stuffed turkey, a decorated tree, the invention of eyelash extensions and the joy of spending time with loved ones. While we take the time to count all the wonderful things we're thankful for on Thanksgiving, here's 11 unfortunate styles of 2014 that we're making sure to leave out. Over-lined Lips Thanks, Kylie Jenner. When Kylie started posting Instagram pics with a super-sized kisser, the world debated whether or not she got lip injections. Lip injections for

3〖Four〗、 fashion[英] [?fa?(?)n][美] [?f???n]n.(服饰等的)流行式样,流行款式;时装;(行为举止等的)时尚;(做事的)方式v.把…做成特定(或所需)的形状,使成形[例句]they are slaves to the fashion for Americana.他们简直成了美国文化时尚的奴隶。

3〖Five〗、 Aesop's Fables The Wolf and the Lamb Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down.'There's my supper,' thought he,'if only I can find some excuse to seize it.' Then he called out to the Lamb,'How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?''Nay, master, nay,' said Lambikin;'if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.''Well, then,' said the Wolf,'why did you call me bad names this time last year?''That cannot be,' said the Lamb;'I am only six months old.''I don't care,' snarled the Wolf;'if it was not you it was your father;' and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and.WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA.ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out.'Any excuse will serve a tyrant.'

3〖Six〗、 I do not think it is of great importance for us to keep up with the flow of fashion.Because everyone is unique.we all have our own way to show our personality.Even though fashion may bring us a feeling of cool,still it doen't last long.With the time passing by,this will be in the memory of people.That is my opinion towards this topic.

3〖Seven〗、 Fashion clothes I think the trainers the jeans and the jumper are in fashion now. The trainers are young people's favourite. I think the trainers are beautiful and fortable if they're made of leather. Maybe we can jumper higher and farther. However, light blue is the best colour of the jean. They are long and tight. Maybe they are made of leather or cotton. They are very*** art. I think the jumper is made of cotton. It is a little big, so it is good for us to do some sports. I like white. Because it is clean and beautiful!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's not that easy to answer the question,"what is fashion?" because it means different things to different people. Fashion is an art. It's a religion. It's a job. It's a peek into a personality. It's playfulness. It's an escape or a disguise. It is a feast for the eyes. But ultimately, fashion is an individual statement of expression for each of us.French fashion designer Coco Chanel once said,"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."It's true. Fashion isn't defined solely by our clothing choices, but is also conveyed through the way we carry ourselves, our personalities and our views of the world.At its most fundamental(and straight from the dictionary), fashion is simply the prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior.So, who exactly answers the question"what is fashion"? Who decides what's fashionable and what isn't? What's in or what's out?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------当早期人类发明的衣服,他或许想要保持温暖。














5〖One〗、 Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasingpopularity of the information technology, shopping on the inter has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and fortable. For example, shopping on the inter can save students a great deal of time on the way beeen home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on theiracademic work. The inter has shorten the distance beeen manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries.On the other hand, lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trusorthy. What' s more the delivery will increase the risk of items' damage.In my opinion, shopping on the inter is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.

5〖Two〗、转载请注明出处» fashion英语作文

[Three]、有温度的话语 作文











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