1.
"The
distance
between
us
only
makes
my
love
for
you
grow
stronger,
my
faraway
lover.
"
【远距离只是让我对你的爱更强烈,我的远方恋人。
】
2.
"The
stars
in
the
sky
twinkling
at
night
remind
me
of
your
beautiful
eyes
that
long
to
see
again.
"
【夜空繁星闪烁提醒我渴望再次见到你美丽的眼睛,我的远方恋人。
】
3.
"It's
hard
being
apart,
but
knowing
that
you're
out
there
somewhere
loving
me
makes
it
all
worth
it.
"
【相隔遥远不容易,但知道你在某个地方爱着我,这一切都值得,我的远方恋人。
】
4.
"Distance
can't
diminish
the
love
we
share,
it
only
strengthens
it
day
by
day.
"
【距离无法减少我们之间的爱,只会让它日复一日更加坚固,我的远方恋人。
】
5.
"Even
though
we're
miles
apart,
my
heart
still
beats
for
you
and
only
you,
my
love.
"
【虽然我们相距千里,但我的心仍然为你跳动,我的爱。
】
6.
"The
thought
of
you
keeps
me
going
even
on
the
toughest
of
days,
my
dearest
faraway
love.
"
【想着你让我在最艰难的日子里坚持下去,我的最爱远方恋人。
】
7.
"I'll
travel
any
distance
and
cross
any
ocean
just
to
be
with
you
again,
my
precious
faraway
darling.
"
【我愿意走过千山万水和越过任何海洋,只为能再与你相聚,我珍爱的远方宝贝。
】
8.
"No
matter
how
far
we
are
from
each
other,
the
love
we
share
will
always
keep
us
close
in
our
hearts.
"
【无论我们相距多远,我们之间的爱将永远让我们紧紧相连在心中,我的远方恋人。
】
9.
"The
sound
of
the
wind
reminds
me
of
your
gentle
voice
whispering
sweet
nothings
in
my
ear,
my
faraway
lover.
"
【风声提醒我,你轻柔的声音在我耳边耳语情话,我的远方恋人。
】
10.
"Every
day
that
we
spend
apart
only
makes
me
appreciate
the
time
we
have
together
even
more,
my
beloved
faraway
sweetheart.
"
【相隔一天,我对我们在一起的时间就更加珍惜,我最心爱的远方甜心。
】
11.
"Though
we
may
be
separated
by
distance,
our
love
bridges
the
gap
and
brings
us
together
in
spirit.
"
【尽管我们可能被距离分开,我们的爱会弥补差距,让我们在精神上相聚,我的远方恋人。
】
12.
"The
moon
reminds
me
of
your
gentle
face
that
shines
brighter
than
any
star
in
the
sky,
my
faraway
angel.
"
【月亮提醒我,你温柔的面容比天空中任何一颗星星都更加明亮,我的远方天使。
】
13.
"I
promise
to
always
keep
you
close
to
my
heart
and
never
let
the
distance
between
us
dim
the
light
of
our
love,
my
faraway
soulmate.
"
【我承诺永远将你藏在我的心中,不会让我们之间的距离让我们的爱失去光芒,我的远方灵魂伴侣。
】
14.
"Even
though
we
may
be
apart
physically,
our
souls
are
always
connected
by
the
bond
of
love,
my
precious
faraway
darling.
"
【虽然我们在身体上分开,但我们的灵魂始终通过爱的纽带相连,我珍爱的远方宝贝。
】
15.
"No
matter
where
am
or
where
you
are,
my
love
for
you
will
never
falter,
my
faraway
love.
"
【无论我身在何方,你身在何处,我对你的爱永不动摇,我的远方恋人。
】
16.
"The
sunset
reminds
me
of
the
beauty
of
love
that
shines
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
my
faraway
sweetheart.
"
【日落提醒我,爱的美丽在最黑暗的时候也会闪耀,我的远方甜心。
】
17.
"Our
love
is
like
a
bond
that
stretches
across
the
vastness
of
the
universe,
never
faltering,
never
fading,
my
faraway
soulmate.
"
【我们的爱就像一条跨越宇宙的纽带,永不动摇,永不褪色,我的远方灵魂伴侣。
】
18.
"Distance
may
make
the
heart
grow
fonder,
but
it's
our
love
that
makes
the
distance
seem
irrelevant,
my
beloved
faraway
love.
"
【距离让心更加渴望,但我们的爱让距离变得无关紧要,我最爱的远方恋人。
】
19.
"The
sound
of
the
waves
crashing
on
the
shore
reminds
me
of
your
steady
heartbeat
that
long
to
be
close
to
again,
my
faraway
heartbeat.
"
【海浪拍打岸边的声音让我想起你坚定的心跳,我渴望再次靠近,我的远方心跳。
】
20.
"Even
though
we
may
be
worlds
apart,
our
love
is
the
bridge
that
connects
us,
my
faraway
love.
"
【尽管我们可能身处不同的世界,但我们的爱是连接我们的桥梁,我的远方恋人。
】