.jpg)
1.
“The
earth
has
music
for
those
who
will
listen.
”
―
George
Santayana
【地球有音乐,只要你会聆听。
】
2.
“The
earth
is
what
we
all
have
in
common.
”
―
Wendell
Berry
【地球是我们所有人的共同拥有。
】
3.
“To
me,
a
lush
carpet
of
pine
needles
or
spongy
grass
is
more
welcome
than
the
most
luxurious
Persian
rug.
”
―
Helen
Keller
【对我来说,一片茂密的松针地毯或海绵状的草地,比最奢华的波斯地毯更加欢迎。
】
4.
“In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
”
―
John
Muir
【与大自然的每一次接触,都会让人获得比所期望的要多得多的东西。
】
5.
“The
earth
laughs
in
flowers.
”
―
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【地球在花儿中轻笑。
】
6.
“Adopt
the
pace
of
nature:
her
secret
is
patience.
”
―
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【采纳大自然的步伐:她的秘密就在于耐心。
】
7.
“For
in
the
true
nature
of
things,
if
we
rightly
consider,
every
green
tree
is
far
more
glorious
than
if
it
were
made
of
gold
and
silver.
”
―
Martin
Luther
【实事求是地说,如果我们仔细考虑,每一棵翠绿的树木都比金银制品更加辉煌壮观。
】
8.
“Any
patch
of
sunlight
in
a
wood
will
show
you
something
about
the
sun
which
you
could
never
get
from
reading
books
on
astronomy.
These
pure
and
spontaneous
pleasures
are
‘patches
of
Godlight’
in
the
woods
of
our
experience.
”
―
C.
S.
Lewis
【森林中的一块阳光,能让你领略到你从天文学书籍上获得不了的太阳的美妙。
这些纯粹而自然的愉悦,是我们经历中的「神圣之光。
」】
9.
“The
world
is
a
book,
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
one
page.
”
―
Saint
Augustine
【世界就是一本书,不到处旅行的人只读到其中一页。
】
10.
“I
go
to
nature
to
be
soothed
and
healed,
and
to
have
my
senses
put
in
order.
”
―
John
Burroughs
【我去大自然中得到心灵的安慰和治愈,修整我的感官。
】
11.
“Nature
does
not
hurry,
yet
everything
is
accomplished.
”
―
Lao
Tzu
【大自然无需匆忙,但却完成了一切。
】
12.
“The
richness
achieve
comes
from
Nature,
the
source
of
my
inspiration.
”
―
Claude
Monet
【我获得的丰富,源自于大自然,也是我的灵感来源。
】
13.
“The
sky
is
not
a
limit,
it's
an
invitation.
”
―
Alicia
Keys
【天空并不是限制,它是邀请。
】
14.
“We
do
not
inherit
the
earth
from
our
ancestors,
we
borrow
it
from
our
children.
”
―
Native
American
proverb
【我们并不是从我们的祖先那里继承了这片土地,我们是从我们的子孙那里借来的。
】
15.
“In
the
depth
of
winter,
finally
learned
that
there
was
in
me
an
invincible
summer.
”
―
Albert
Camus
【在寒冬之中,我终于意识到我内心深处潜藏着不可战胜的夏天。
】
16.
“Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit.
It
is
home.
”
―
Gary
Snyder
【大自然不是旅游的目的地,它是我们的家。
】
17.
“The
sea,
once
it
casts
its
spell,
holds
one
in
its
net
of
wonder
forever.
”
―
Jacques
Cousteau
【海洋曾施展过它的魔力,它让人陷入永恒的惊奇之网中。
】
18.
“Everything
in
nature
invites
us
constantly
to
be
what
we
are.
”
―
Gretel
Ehrlich
【大自然里的一切,不断地邀请我们做自己。
】
19.
“We
are
all
like
the
bright
moon,
we
still
have
our
darker
side.
”
―
Kahlil
Gibran
【我们都像明亮的月亮,但仍有我们不为人知的一面。
】
20.
“Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit.
It
is
home.
”
―
Gary
Snyder
【大自然不是旅游的目的地,它是我们的家。
】