.jpg)
1.
The
taste
of
grandma's
homemade
cookies
still
lingers
in
my
mind,
reminding
me
of
the
warmth
and
love
she
always
showed
us.
【回忆童年】
【美好的家庭】
2.
remember
the
sound
of
the
ice
cream
truck
playing
its
jingle,
and
the
excitement
of
running
out
with
a
few
coins
to
buy
my
favorite
treat.
【小时候的快乐】
3.
The
smell
of
freshly
cut
grass
brings
me
back
to
those
summer
days
spent
playing
outside
with
my
friends
until
the
sun
went
down.
【夏日清晨】
【青春无忧】
4.
The
feeling
of
holding
my
grandmother's
hand
and
walking
through
the
park
is
something
will
always
cherish.
【祖孙情】
【家庭的温暖】
5.
The
taste
of
my
mom's
spaghetti
sauce
is
still
one
of
my
favorite
comfort
foods,
reminding
me
of
home.
【美食的记忆】
【儿时的味道】
6.
can
still
remember
the
feeling
of
accomplishment
had
when
finally
learned
how
to
ride
my
bike
without
training
wheels.
【成长的喜悦】
【刻骨铭心的瞬间】
7.
Looking
through
old
photo
albums,
am
filled
with
nostalgia
for
the
people
and
places
used
to
know.
【过往岁月】
【人生的历程】
8.
The
sound
of
the
ocean
waves
crashing
against
the
shore
always
soothes
my
soul
and
reminds
me
of
happy
times
at
the
beach.
【大海的声音】
【放松心情】
9.
can
vividly
recall
the
excitement
of
opening
a
new
toy
on
Christmas
morning
and
spending
the
entire
day
playing
with
it.
【圣诞的欢乐】
【儿时的喜悦】
10.
The
smell
of
freshly
brewed
coffee
takes
me
back
to
lazy
Saturday
mornings
spent
lounging
around
with
my
family.
【慢节奏的生活】
【家人的陪伴】
11.
The
feeling
of
accomplishment
when
finished
my
first
book
is
something
will
always
treasure,
and
it
sparked
my
love
for
reading.
【阅读带来的欣喜】
【学习与成长】
12.
The
taste
of
hot
cocoa
on
a
cold
winter
day
always
brings
a
smile
to
my
face,
reminding
me
of
cozy
nights
by
the
fire
with
loved
ones.
【冬日温暖】
【朝夕相处】
13.
remember
the
thrill
of
going
on
a
rollercoaster
for
the
first
time,
and
the
rush
of
adrenaline
that
followed.
【冒险的精神】
【挑战与成长】
14.
The
smell
of
a
campfire
and
the
sound
of
the
crickets
at
night
take
me
back
to
unforgettable
summer
camp
memories.
【夏令营的活动】
【结交知己】
15.
The
taste
of
a
juicy,
ripe
watermelon
is
synonymous
with
lazy
summer
afternoons
spent
with
family
and
friends.
【夏日的水果】
【甜蜜的回忆】
16.
can
still
feel
the
excitement
of
going
to
my
first
concert
and
seeing
my
favorite
band
perform
live.
【音乐的感动】
【热爱生活】
17.
The
feeling
of
the
sun
on
my
face
and
the
wind
in
my
hair
as
rode
my
horse
through
the
fields
is
something
will
never
forget.
【大自然的美景】
【与马儿的默契】
18.
The
taste
of
homemade
lemonade
is
always
refreshing
and
takes
me
back
to
childhood
summers
spent
running
through
sprinklers.
【夏日的清凉】
【纯真的童心】
19.
remember
the
thrill
of
finally
getting
my
driver's
license
and
the
newfound
freedom
it
brought.
【独立的成长】
【探索未知的世界】
20.
The
sound
of
my
children's
laughter
and
the
warmth
of
their
hugs
remind
me
of
all
the
love
that
has
filled
my
life.
【家庭的幸福】
【珍惜当下】