妥协(英文短句励志语录)
1.
The
only
way
to
find
a
way
is
to
try.
唯一的出路,就是尝试。
2.
Don't
be
too
hard
on
yourself.
You
are
not
the
first
one
to
face
this
problem.
别对自己太苛刻,你不是第一个遇到这个问题的人。
3.
The
best
way
to
learn
a
language
is
to
practice
speaking
it.
学习语言的最好方法就是练习口语。
4.
Honesty
is
the
best
policy.
诚实是最好的策略。
5.
If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
如果你想飞快地走,那就一个人走。
6.
困难不会阻挡你,只会锤炼你的意志。
困难不会阻挡你,只会锤炼你的意志。
7.
The
coming
will
come,
the
walk
will
go.
未来会来,过去也会去。
8.
If
you
want
to
know
where
you're
going,
go
first.
如果你想知道你要去哪里,先走一步。
9.
The
future
is
not
knowable.
未来是不可预测的。
10.
Don't
give
up
before
you've
tried.
别放弃之前先试试。
11.
Learning
is
a
never-ending
process.
学习是一个不断的过程。
12.
The
best
way
to
learn
is
to
teach.
学习的最好方式,就是授课。
13.
The
most
important
thing
is
not
to
have
a
goal,
but
to
be
able
to
achieve
it.
最重要的事情不是有一个目标,而是能够达成它。
14.
Yesterday
is
history.
Today
is
a
new
day.
Tomorrow
is
a
mystery.
今天过去是历史,今天正在进行时,明天是未来。
15.
The
most
valuable
thing
is
not
your
time,
but
your
memories.
最珍贵的东西不是你的时间,而是你的记忆。
16.
The
past
can't
be
predict,
but
the
future
can.
过去无法预测,但未来可以。
17.
成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。
18.
The
coming
will
come,
the
walk
will
go.
未来会来,过去也会去。
19.
The
most
important
thing
is
not
to
be
afraid
of
failure.
最重要的事情不是害怕失败,而是害怕失败之后要再试一次。
20.
Honesty
is
the
best
policy.
诚实是最好的策略。