1.
"If
you
can't
do
something
yourself,
you
don't
have
to
make
fun
of
someone
who
can."
——
Ibn
Kattabi
2.
"The
most
important
thing
is
not
to
be
afraid
of
failure.
The
most
important
thing
is
to
learn
from
it."
——
Socrates
3.
"You
can't
connect
two
things
if
you're
not
willing
to
look
at
them
from
different
perspectives."
——
Martin
Luther
King
Jr.
4.
"You
are
the
average
of
the
people
you
spend
the
most
time
with."
——
running
coach,
personal
development
author,
and
speaker,
John
DeMint
5.
"If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together."
——
Chinese
proverb
6.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do."
——
Dr.
Dre
7.
"The
only
way
to
achieve
success
is
to
learn
from
failure."
——
Isha
Upadhaya
8.
"The
key
to
success
is
not
to
be
afraid
of
failure.
The
key
to
failure
is
to
be
afraid
of
success."
——
personal
development
author,
and
speaker,
David
Graeber
9.
"If
you
want
to
be
a
good
person,
you
have
to
be
a
bad
person."
——
Richard
Branson
10.
"Don't
focus
on
the
result,
focus
on
the
process."
——
personal
development
author,
and
speaker,
heretic
1.
"The
most
important
thing
is
to
believe
in
yourself.
If
you
don't
believe
in
yourself,
no
one
else
will."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic
2.
"If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together."
——
Chinese
proverb
3.
"If
you
want
to
be
happy,
don't
be
happy.
If
you
want
to
be
successful,
be
successful."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic
4.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do."
——
Dr.
Dre
5.
"If
you
want
to
be
a
good
person,
you
have
to
be
a
bad
person."
——
Richard
Branson
6.
"The
key
to
success
is
not
to
be
afraid
of
failure.
The
key
to
failure
is
to
be
afraid
of
success."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic
7.
"If
you
want
to
achieve
your
goals,
you
have
to
willing
to
fail."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic
8.
"The
only
way
to
be
successful
is
to
make
a
plan,
follow
your
plan,
and
then
execute
your
plan."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic
9.
"If
you
want
to
be
happy,
don't
be
happy.
If
you
want
to
be
successful,
be
successful."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic
10.
"Don't
focus
on
the
result,
focus
on
the
process."
——
personal
development
author,
heretic