.jpg)
1.
生命就像一艘船,在星海里漂泊。
【Stars
are
like
a
ship,
drifting
in
the
sea
of
life.
】
2.
人生如梦,心中的梦可以穿透宇宙的星河。
【Life
is
like
a
dream,
and
dreams
can
penetrate
the
universe's
Milky
Way
in
our
hearts.
】
3.
繁星点点,每一个微光都是一颗充满生机的星星。
【Star
dots,
each
light
is
a
star
full
of
vitality.
】
4.
星河璀璨,仿佛是一个不可名状的造物主赋予的奇妙礼物。
【The
Milky
Way
is
bright,
as
if
it
were
a
wonderful
gift
bestowed
by
an
indescribable
creator.
】
5.
星空中,有一个个被遗忘的恒星,也有那些被寄予希望的星辰。
【In
the
starry
sky,
there
are
forgotten
stars
and
hopeful
ones.
】
6.
星河渺茫,可我总觉得有一道光芒指引着我前行。
【The
Milky
Way
is
vast,
but
always
feel
guided
by
a
ray
of
light.
】
7.
一个人的世界像星空一样,光明与黑暗不断交织,你需要学会自我照亮。
【A
person's
world
is
like
a
starry
sky,
with
light
and
darkness
intertwined.
You
need
to
learn
to
shine
on
yourself.
】
8.
夜空的星星总是依稀带着微弱的光芒,让人欲罢不能。
【The
stars
in
the
night
sky
always
have
a
faint
glow
that
is
irresistible.
】
9.
星河的无穷无尽,就像爱一般,在心中生长,越来越浓烈。
【The
endless
Milky
Way
is
like
love,
growing
in
the
heart
and
becoming
stronger
and
stronger.
】
10.
有时候,看着星河斑驳的颜色,想起了年少时的梦想,如此遥远又如此清晰。
【Sometimes,
watching
the
colorful
Milky
Way
reminds
me
of
my
childhood
dreams,
which
are
so
distant
yet
so
clear.
】
11.
星星和魔法一样,在我们的心里永远闪耀着光芒。
【The
stars
are
like
magic,
shining
forever
in
our
hearts.
】
12.
像这样静静地望着星河,仿佛整个人也被镶嵌在宇宙的大海里。
【Watching
the
Milky
Way
like
this,
it
feels
like
being
embedded
in
the
sea
of
the
universe.
】
13.
不论是天空,还是心里,都有一些东西无论你怎么逃避,都会陪你一生,像星河一样。
【Whether
it's
the
sky
or
the
heart,
there
are
things
that
will
accompany
you
throughout
your
life,
like
the
Milky
Way.
】
14.
就算在看似孤寂的夜空中,也有着许多在我心中发出闪光的星辰。
【Even
in
the
seemingly
lonely
night
sky,
there
are
many
stars
shining
in
my
heart.
】
15.
星河是宇宙的四季,用它绵长无尽的岁月,见证着一切的生命和变化。
【The
Milky
Way
is
the
four
seasons
of
the
universe,
witnessing
all
life
and
change
with
its
long
and
endless
years.
】
16.
夜晚看着月亮和星星,让人忘记了时间和喧嚣,只剩下内心的宁静与感动。
【Looking
at
the
moon
and
stars
at
night
makes
people
forget
time
and
noise,
leaving
only
inner
peace
and
emotion.
】
17.
看着星河流淌,心里仿佛有一种莫名的感觉,似乎看见了过往生命的痕迹。
【Watching
the
Milky
Way
flow,
there
is
an
inexplicable
feeling
in
my
heart,
as
if
can
see
the
traces
of
past
lives.
】
18.
在星河中漫步,仿佛一切的烦恼都随风而去,只剩下心灵的自由和宁静。
【Walking
in
the
Milky
Way,
all
troubles
seem
to
disappear
with
the
wind,
leaving
only
the
freedom
and
peace
of
the
soul.
】
19.
世界之大,星河之广,让人感到自己是如此地微不足道和渺小。
【The
vastness
of
the
world
and
the
breadth
of
the
Milky
Way
make
people
feel
so
insignificant
and
small.
】
20.
每当看着星空,我都会想起曾经的自己,想起曾经的爱,那些都是我人生中最美好的回忆。
【Every
time
look
at
the
starry
sky,
think
of
myself
and
past
love,
which
are
the
most
beautiful
memories
of
my
life.
】