1.
"Kindness
is
the
language
which
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"
–
Mark
Twain
【温柔的语言传达温馨】
2.
"A
gentle
word,
a
kind
look,
a
good-natured
smile
can
work
wonders
and
accomplish
miracles.
"
–
William
Hazlitt
【微笑的温柔,创造奇迹】
3.
"Tenderness
is
greater
proof
of
love
than
the
most
passionate
of
vows.
"
–
Marlene
Dietrich
【温柔才是最真实的爱情】
4.
"To
be
kind
is
more
important
than
to
be
right.
Many
times,
what
people
need
is
not
a
brilliant
mind
that
speaks
but
a
special
heart
that
listens.
"
–
Unknown
【懂得倾听,用温柔为他人传递爱】
5.
"Kindness
is
the
sunshine
in
which
virtue
grows.
"
–
Robert
Green
Ingersoll
【用温柔的爱心,助力品德的成长】
6.
"The
world
is
changed
by
your
example,
not
your
opinion.
"
–
Paulo
Coelho
【以实际行动传递温柔的力量】
7.
"A
kind
heart
is
a
fountain
of
gladness,
making
everything
in
its
vicinity
freshen
into
smiles.
"
–
Washington
Irving
【温柔如泉水,点亮幸福的花火】
8.
"We
rise
by
lifting
others.
"
–
Robert
Ingersoll
【用真诚的关心,传达温柔和温暖】
9.
"Love
and
kindness
are
never
wasted.
They
always
make
a
difference.
"
–
Barbara
De
Angelis
【爱与温柔,永远不会白费】
10.
"Kindness
is
the
oil
that
takes
the
friction
out
of
life.
"
–
Unknown
【少一分抱怨,多一点温柔,为生活带来和谐】
11.
"Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
harder
battle.
"
–
Plato
【真正的温柔,是深刻理解和同情的源泉】
12.
"When
words
are
both
true
and
kind,
they
can
change
the
world.
"
–
Buddha
【真挚和温柔相伴,让世界充满美好和希望】
13.
"A
warm
smile
is
the
universal
language
of
kindness.
"
–
William
Arthur
Ward
【用微笑传递温暖,为大家带来幸福】
14.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
kindness,
because
it
never
leaves
them.
"
–
Unknown
【温柔的爱心,是最珍贵的礼物】
15.
"Be
the
reason
someone
smiles
today.
"
–
Unknown
【温柔的行动,点亮他人的笑容】
16.
"The
fragrance
always
stays
in
the
hand
that
gives
the
rose.
"
–
Hada
Bejar
【用温柔和爱心,为他人献上一朵芳香的玫瑰】
17.
"We
make
a
living
by
what
we
get,
but
we
make
a
life
by
what
we
give.
"
–
Winston
Churchill
【无私的给予,传递真正的温柔和爱心】
18.
"You
cannot
do
a
kindness
too
soon,
for
you
never
know
how
soon
it
will
be
too
late.
"
–
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【珍惜温柔的每一刻,让温暖陪伴大家走过每一个时刻】
19.
"A
single
act
of
kindness
throws
out
roots
in
all
directions,
and
the
roots
spring
up
and
make
new
trees.
"
–
Amelia
Earhart
【温柔的爱心,能够带来无限的向往和成就】
20.
"Spread
love
everywhere
you
go.
Let
no
one
ever
come
to
you
without
leaving
happier.
"
–
Mother
Teresa
【用温柔的笑容,为他人带来幸福和温暖】