.jpg)
1.
"We
grow
stronger
in
the
broken
places.
"
【成长在破碎的地方】
2.
"The
deeper
the
roots,
the
stronger
the
trees.
"
【根深则枝繁】
3.
"Adversity
reveals
our
true
character.
"
【逆境揭示我们真正的人格】
4.
"Our
struggles
make
us
who
we
are.
"
【我们的挣扎造就了我们的人生轨迹】
5.
"The
darkest
moments
of
our
lives
can
lead
to
the
brightest
tomorrows.
"
【人生最黑暗的时刻可以引领我们走向光明的未来】
6.
"A
smooth
sea
never
made
a
skilled
sailor.
"
【平静的海洋无法锤炼出优秀的水手】
7.
"Storms
make
trees
take
deeper
roots.
"
【风暴让树木扎深根】
8.
"What
doesn't
kill
us
makes
us
stronger.
"
【磨难不会毁了我们,只会让我们更强大】
9.
"The
lotus
blooms
most
beautifully
from
the
deepest
and
thickest
mud.
"
【莲花在最深厚的泥土中绽放】
10.
"Pain
is
temporary,
but
the
lessons
it
teaches
us
are
permanent.
"
【痛苦是暂时的,但它所教导给我们的经验却是永恒的】
11.
"In
the
midst
of
adversity,
we
find
our
strength.
"
【逆境中我们发现了自己的力量】
12.
"Without
struggle,
there
can
be
no
progress.
"
【没有苦难,就不会有进步】
13.
"The
harder
the
fall,
the
higher
the
bounce
back.
"
【跌得越重,反弹得越高】
14.
"Strength
doesn't
come
from
what
you
can
do,
it
comes
from
overcoming
the
things
you
thought
you
couldn't.
"
【力量不来源于你能做什么,而来源于你克服你认为无法做到的事情】
15.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【生命中最大的荣耀不在于永不跌倒,而在于每一次跌倒后能重新站起】
16.
"The
most
beautiful
people
are
those
who
have
known
defeat,
known
suffering,
known
struggle,
known
loss,
and
have
found
their
way
out
of
those
depths.
"
【最美丽的人是那些经历过挫败、痛苦、艰辛和失落,但最终走出困境的人】
17.
"Every
wound
leaves
a
scar,
but
every
scar
tells
a
story.
"
【每一道伤痕都留下了痕迹,但每一个痕迹都有它自己的故事】
18.
"Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
【生活不是在等待风暴过去,而是要学会在雨中起舞】
19.
"It's
not
the
load
that
breaks
you,
it's
the
way
you
carry
it.
"
【不是负重让你崩溃,而是你扛负重的方式】
20.
"In
every
difficulty
lies
an
opportunity
for
growth.
"
【每一个困难中都蕴藏着成长的机会】