.jpg)
1.
Leaving
your
comfort
zone
is
the
first
step
towards
growth.
【】
2.
Walking
away
from
familiarity
can
be
terrifying,
but
it
can
also
lead
to
exciting
new
opportunities.
【】
3.
The
only
way
to
experience
true
adventure
is
to
leave
the
safety
of
what
you
know.
【】
4.
The
world
is
too
big
and
beautiful
to
stay
in
one
place
forever.
【】
5.
Sometimes
we
have
to
leave
what's
comfortable
in
order
to
find
what's
truly
meaningful.
【】
6.
Life
is
all
about
taking
risks
and
learning
to
embrace
change.
【】
7.
The
only
constant
in
life
is
change,
so
it's
important
to
learn
to
adapt
and
move
on.
【】
8.
If
we
never
leave
our
comfort
zone,
we'll
never
know
what
we're
truly
capable
of.
【】
9.
You
don't
have
to
have
everything
figured
out
to
take
a
leap
of
faith.
【】
10.
Saying
goodbye
to
your
comfort
zone
is
scary,
but
it's
also
incredibly
liberating.
【】
11.
You
may
not
be
entirely
ready
for
what
lies
ahead,
but
that's
okay.
No
one
ever
truly
is.
【】
12.
It's
often
the
most
uncomfortable
experiences
that
teach
us
the
most
about
ourselves.
【】
13.
Embrace
the
unknown,
for
it's
often
where
life's
greatest
adventures
lie.
【】
14.
You
don't
have
to
have
a
clear
destination
in
mind
to
take
the
first
step
towards
a
better
life.
【】
15.
Comfort
can
be
a
prison
if
you
let
it
be.
Don't
be
afraid
to
step
outside
and
explore.
【】
16.
Your
comfort
zone
may
be
safe,
but
it's
also
where
dreams
go
to
die.
【】
17.
The
comfort
zone
is
a
tempting
place
to
stay,
but
true
growth
lies
beyond
its
boundaries.
【】
18.
No
one
knows
what
the
future
holds,
but
taking
a
leap
of
faith
is
often
the
only
way
to
find
out.
【】
19.
It's
never
too
late
to
pursue
your
dreams,
no
matter
how
scary
it
may
seem
to
leave
what's
familiar.
【】
20.
The
biggest
and
best
adventures
in
life
often
start
with
a
simple
step
outside
of
your
comfort
zone.
【】