.jpg)
1.
"Tears
are
words
that
the
heart
can't
express.
"
【#Heartbroken】
2.
"The
depth
of
sadness
is
proportional
to
the
depth
of
love
lost.
"
【#LoveLost】
3.
"Sometimes,
the
pain
we
feel
can
only
be
expressed
through
tears.
"
【#ExpressYourPain】
4.
"I
wish
could
turn
back
time
and
fix
everything
that
went
wrong.
"
【#Regret】
5.
"No
one
ever
tells
you
that
heartbreak
feels
like
a
physical
pain.
"
【#Heartache】
6.
"You
never
realize
how
much
you
love
someone
until
they're
gone.
"
【#MissingYou】
7.
"The
worst
feeling
in
the
world
is
knowing
you
weren't
enough
for
someone.
"
【#NotEnough】
8.
"I
may
smile
on
the
outside,
but
inside
I'm
falling
apart.
"
【#PretendingToBeFine】
9.
"How
can
something
that
felt
so
right,
turn
out
to
be
so
wrong?"
【#WrongTurn】
10.
"The
heart
knows
what
it
wants,
but
sometimes
it's
not
meant
to
be.
"
【#UnrequitedLove】
11.
"It's
hard
to
let
go
of
someone
you
love,
but
it's
even
harder
to
hold
on
when
they're
no
longer
there.
"
【#LettingGo】
12.
"Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
it
can
bring
happiness
and
pain.
"
【#LoveHurts】
13.
"The
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
accepting
that
it's
truly
over.
"
【#MovingOn】
14.
"A
real
heartbreak
changes
you
forever.
"
【#ForeverChanged】
15.
"The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
not
everyone
gets
to
experience
it.
"
【#LoveSaddness】
16.
"You
don't
know
what
you
have
until
it's
gone.
"
【#Appreciation】
17.
"The
hardest
thing
to
do
is
watch
the
one
you
love,
love
someone
else.
"
【#HeartbrokenAgain】
18.
"The
scars
may
heal,
but
the
pain
remains
forever.
"
【#ScarsRemain】
19.
"Love
is
like
a
flower,
it
blooms
and
then
it
dies.
"
【#FadingLove】
20.
"In
the
end,
we
all
just
want
someone
to
hold
us
and
tell
us
it's
going
to
be
okay.
"
【#NeedSupport】