.jpg)
1.
"Who
needs
a
gym
membership
when
you
can
chase
your
dreams
and
sweat
at
the
same
time?
#RunWithIt"
【#ExerciseHumor】
2.
"I'm
not
lazy,
I'm
just
in
energy-saving
mode.
But
hey,
at
least
achieved
my
step
goal
today!
#FitnessGoals"
【#DailyWorkout】
3.
"I
don't
always
workout,
but
when
do,
prefer
to
do
it
with
a
friend.
Makes
the
pain
a
lot
more
fun!
#GymBuddy"
【#FitnessCompanionship】
4.
"Why
did
the
chicken
cross
the
road?
To
get
to
the
gym,
of
course!
#KeepMovingForward"
【#HealthyJokes】
5.
"They
say
laughter
is
the
best
medicine.
But
have
they
tried
a
good
workout?
It's
like
laughter,
but
with
sweat!
#SweatItOut"
【#FitnessMotivation】
6.
"I
don't
always
love
burpees,
but
when
do,
it's
because
finished
my
last
set.
#FitnessHumor"
【#FitLife】
7.
"Squats?
More
like
'shouldn't
haves.
'
But
I'm
sure
my
future
self
will
thank
me.
#LegDay"
【#FitnessRegrets】
8.
"Exercise
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates.
You
never
know
what
you're
gonna
get,
but
you
always
feel
better
after!
#FitnessForLife"
【#HealthyComparison】
9.
"My
doctor
says
need
more
Vitamin
C.
So
I'm
taking
it
to
the
streets
(for
a
jog).
#FitBodyFitMind"
【#WellnessPositiveThinking】
10.
"Workout
tip:
If
it
doesn't
challenge
you,
it
doesn't
change
you.
So
get
out
there
and
conquer
those
goals!
#FitnessChallenge"
【#FitnessStrategy】
11.
"I
used
to
think
was
lazy,
but
then
realized
was
just
in
a
relationship
with
my
bed.
So
dumped
it
for
the
gym.
#NoExcuses"
【#FitnessHumor】
12.
"They
say
Rome
wasn't
built
in
a
day.
But
with
a
consistent
fitness
routine,
you
can
build
your
own
empire
(of
muscle).
#FitnessEmpire"
【#FitnessInsight】
13.
"I
might
not
be
the
strongest,
or
the
fastest,
or
the
most
flexible.
But
I'm
here.
And
that's
more
than
half
the
battle.
#FitnessMindset"
【#WorkoutYourMind】
14.
"Why
is
it
called
a
'workout'
if
it's
always
such
a
good
time?
#FitnessFun"
【#HealthyMindset】
15.
"I
don't
always
know
what
I'm
doing
at
the
gym.
But
that's
okay,
because
neither
does
anyone
else.
We're
all
just
winging
it.
#FitnessConfusion"
【#GymLife】
16.
"They
say
'no
pain,
no
gain.
'
But
don't
know
-
have
they
tried
a
really
comfy
yoga
mat?
#FitnessComfort"
【#HealthyLifestyle】
17.
"I
used
to
hate
running.
But
then
realized
it
was
just
jogging
my
memory
(and
my
body).
#FitnessTransformation"
【#HealthyChanges】
18.
"I
may
not
have
a
six-pack
yet.
But
do
have
a
one-pack.
.
.
of
motivation.
And
that's
enough
for
me.
#FitnessEncouragement"
【#HealthGoals】
19.
"Exercise
is
like
a
love
letter
to
your
body.
And
all
the
achy
muscles
are
just
spelling
out
how
much
you
care.
#FitnessLove"
【#SelfCare】
20.
"Why
do
we
exercise?
To
be
healthy?
To
look
good?
To
impress
people?
No.
We
workout
so
we
can
eat
ice
cream
guilt-free.
#FitnessPriorities"
【#WorkHardPlayHard】