1.
Being
kind
and
gentle
to
others
is
a
refreshing
way
to
live.
【温柔和善的待人处世方式让人心生欢喜】
2.
Sometimes
just
a
kind
word
or
touch
can
be
enough
to
refresh
someone's
spirit.
【有时候,一句温暖的话语或一次轻轻的碰触,就能让人精神焕发】
3.
The
kindness
and
gentleness
of
a
loving
touch
can
refresh
the
soul.
【温柔的爱抚能够让灵魂得到滋润】
4.
It's
refreshing
to
see
people
who
live
their
lives
with
gentleness
and
compassion.
【看到那些以温柔和同情为路标的人生往来,让人感到心神一爽】
5.
Sometimes,
the
most
refreshing
thing
is
a
kind
and
understanding
ear
to
listen.
【有时候,最让人心生爽快的事情就是有一个乐于倾听的耳朵】
6.
gentle
smile
can
refresh
the
hearts
of
those
around
us.
【一份温柔的微笑会让周围的人心头一片静谧】
7.
Refreshing
ourselves
with
kind
thoughts
and
words
can
bring
joy
to
others.
【在自己内心播种温暖的种子,用温柔的言语去感染和温暖别人】
8.
The
gentle
breeze
across
one's
face
is
a
refreshing
feeling.
【感受温柔的风吹得在脸上荡起阵阵的小波浪,那感觉让人愉悦】
9.
Speaking
gently
and
kindly
is
a
way
to
refresh
our
relationships.
【温和和善的语言可以让我们的人际关系得到滋润】
10.
gentle
touch
can
refresh
even
the
most
troubled
hearts.
【轻声细语、轻抚温柔能够让最颓废的心灵熠熠生辉】
11.
Starting
each
day
with
a
refreshing
attitude
of
kindness
can
make
a
big
difference
in
our
lives.
【每天用一颗温柔的心来面对生活,会让我们的生活焕然一新】
12.
The
gentle
sound
of
a
stream
or
bird
song
is
refreshing
to
the
mind.
【微风拂过林荫,小溪潺潺,鸟儿的欢歌笑语,是让心灵得到滋润的音乐】
13.
Refreshing
ourselves
with
kind
thoughts
and
deeds
can
change
the
world
around
us.
【用善良的思想和行动改变周围的世界,让它焕然一新】
14.
It's
refreshing
to
see
someone
approach
life
with
a
kind
and
open
heart.
【看到有人抱着温柔和开放的心态面对生活,是美好的风景】
15.
Sometimes,
the
most
refreshing
thing
we
can
do
is
offer
a
kind
and
sincere
apology.
【有时候,最让人心情愉悦的事情,就是诚心地向别人道歉】
16.
gentle
and
kind
approach
to
problem-solving
can
refresh
relationships
and
bring
people
closer.
【用温柔和善的方式解决问题,能够让人际关系更加密切】
17.
kind
and
gentle
act
of
forgiveness
can
be
the
most
refreshing
thing
in
the
world.
【一次温柔的宽恕,可能会是世界上最让人心情舒畅的事情】
18.
Approaching
life
with
a
spirit
of
kindness
and
generosity
can
be
a
refreshing
change.
【以善良和慷慨的心态面对生活,是一种让人心情愉悦的改变】
19.
gentle
and
loving
touch
can
refresh
a
relationship
and
bring
it
back
to
life.
【一次温柔的爱抚,可以让关系重新焕发生机】
20.
The
most
refreshing
thing
we
can
do
for
ourselves
is
to
approach
ourselves
with
kindness
and
self-love.
【对自己温柔、充满爱的方式面对自己,是让内心焕然一新的最好方式】