.jpg)
1.
"Behind
every
smile,
there
is
a
story
you'll
never
understand.
"
【-Unknown】
2.
"Sadness
flies
away
on
the
wings
of
time.
"
【-Jean
de
La
Fontaine】
3.
"And
sometimes,
just
sometimes,
everything
hits
you
all
at
once…
you
realize
what
you
had,
what
you
lost,
and
what
you
took
for
granted.
"
【-Unknown】
4.
"You
don't
know
what
you
have
until
it's
gone.
"
【-Unknown】
5.
"Grief
is
like
the
ocean;
it
comes
on
waves
ebbing
and
flowing.
Sometimes
the
water
is
calm,
and
sometimes
it
is
overwhelming.
All
we
can
do
is
learn
to
swim.
"
【-Vicki
Harrison】
6.
"No
one
can
go
back
and
make
a
brand
new
start,
but
anyone
can
start
from
now
and
make
a
brand
new
ending.
"
【-Carl
Bard】
7.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【-Haruki
Murakami】
8.
"Crying
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness.
It's
a
sign
of
a
pure
heart.
"
【-Jose
N.
Harris】
9.
"It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember.
"
【-Unknown】
10.
"I
am
homesick
for
a
place
am
not
sure
even
exists.
One
where
my
heart
is
full.
My
body
loved.
And
my
soul
understood.
"
【-Unknown】
11.
"It's
better
to
be
unhappy
alone
than
unhappy
with
someone.
"
【-Marilyn
Monroe】
12.
"The
only
thing
standing
between
me
and
total
happiness
is
reality.
"
【-Douglas
Coupland】
13.
"Sorrow
is
how
we
learn
to
love.
Your
heart
isn't
breaking.
It
hurts
because
it's
getting
larger.
The
larger
it
gets,
the
more
love
it
holds.
"
【-Rita
Mae
Brown】
14.
"I'm
a
firm
believer
that
sometimes
it's
right
to
do
the
wrong
thing.
"
【-Rachel
Vincent】
15.
"There
are
times
when
the
only
thing
that
helps
is
to
sit
in
silence
and
remember
that
you're
not
alone.
"
【-Unknown】
16.
"When
you
can't
look
on
the
bright
side,
will
sit
with
you
in
the
dark.
"
【-Unknown】
17.
"Sometimes,
all
you
can
do
is
lie
in
bed,
and
hope
to
fall
asleep
before
you
fall
apart.
"
【-William
C.
Hannan】
18.
"Happiness
can
be
found,
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
if
one
only
remembers
to
turn
on
the
light.
"
【-Albus
Dumbledore,
Harry
Potter
and
the
Prisoner
of
Azkaban】
19.
"Pleasure
is
never
as
pleasant
as
we
expected
it
to
be,
and
pain
is
always
more
painful.
"
【-Arthur
Schopenhauer】
20.
"The
greatest
happiness
you
can
have
is
knowing
that
you
do
not
necessarily
require
happiness.
"
【-William
Saroyan】