1.
"Trust
is
the
glue
of
life.
It's
the
most
essential
ingredient
in
effective
communication.
It's
the
foundational
principle
that
holds
all
relationships.
"
-Stephen
Covey
【quote】
2.
"To
be
trusted
is
a
greater
compliment
than
being
loved.
"
-George
MacDonald
【quote】
3.
"Trust
takes
years
to
build,
seconds
to
break,
and
forever
to
repair.
"
-Unknown
【quote】
4.
"The
best
way
to
find
out
if
you
can
trust
somebody
is
to
trust
them.
"
-Ernest
Hemingway
【quote】
5.
"Honesty
and
transparency
make
you
vulnerable.
Be
honest
and
transparent
anyway.
"
-Mother
Teresa
【quote】
6.
"Trust
is
the
highest
form
of
human
motivation.
It
brings
out
the
very
best
in
people.
"
-Stephen
Covey
【quote】
7.
"Trust
is
built
with
consistency.
"
-Lincoln
Chafee
【quote】
8.
"Trust
yourself,
you
know
more
than
you
think
you
do.
"
-Benjamin
Spock
【quote】
9.
"To
be
trusted
is
a
greater
compliment
than
being
believed.
"
-George
MacDonald
【quote】
10.
"The
best
proof
of
love
is
trust.
"
-Joyce
Brothers
【quote】
11.
"Trust
is
like
a
plant,
it
takes
time
to
grow
but
can
be
destroyed
in
an
instant.
"
-Unknown
【quote】
12.
"Trust
is
a
delicate
thing.
When
broken,
it
cannot
be
repaired
in
a
day,
and
sometimes,
not
even
in
a
lifetime.
"
-Unknown
【quote】
13.
"There
is
no
trust
without
vulnerability.
"
-Brené
Brown
【quote】
14.
"Trust
is
the
fruit
of
a
relationship
in
which
you
know
you
are
loved.
"
-William
P.
Young
【quote】
15.
"Trust
is
the
lubrication
that
makes
it
possible
for
organizations
to
work.
"
-Warren
Bennis
【quote】
16.
"Trust
is
not
the
absence
of
betrayal,
but
the
ability
to
trust
others
when
they
betray
you.
"
-Unknown
【quote】
17.
"Trust
grows
when
transparency
is
met
with
empathy.
"
-Unknown
【quote】
18.
"Trust
starts
with
truth
and
ends
with
truth.
"
-Santosh
Kalwar
【quote】
19.
"Trust
is
the
foundation
of
all
human
connections.
"
-Stephen
Covey
【quote】
20.
"Trust
is
the
glue
of
life.
It's
the
most
essential
ingredient
in
effective
communication.
"
-Stephen
Covey
【quote】