1.
"Sometimes,
feel
like
no
one
understands
me.
"
【#lonely】
2.
"It
hurts
when
your
best
friend
stops
talking
to
you
for
no
reason.
"
【#brokenhearted】
3.
"I
wish
my
parents
would
stop
fighting
and
just
get
along.
"
【#familyproblems】
4.
"The
world
can
be
a
really
scary
place
sometimes.
"
【#anxiety】
5.
"I
miss
my
old
school
and
friends
so
much.
"
【#homesick】
6.
"Bullying
hurts
more
than
anyone
could
ever
imagine.
"
【#stopbullying】
7.
"I
hate
going
to
school
because
feel
like
don't
fit
in.
"
【#schoolwoes】
8.
"Sometimes
just
want
to
disappear
and
nobody
notice.
"
【#invisible】
9.
"People
judge
me
based
on
how
look,
not
who
am.
"
【#stereotypes】
10.
"It's
hard
to
make
new
friends
when
you're
shy.
"
【#socialanxiety】
11.
"I
wish
could
tell
someone
how
really
feel,
but
I'm
afraid
they'll
reject
me.
"
【#fearofrejection】
12.
"I
feel
like
I'm
always
the
one
getting
left
out.
"
【#outsider】
13.
"I
hate
watching
my
teammates
make
fun
of
other
kids
on
the
playground.
"
【#antibullying】
14.
"It's
hard
being
the
new
kid
in
town.
"
【#newbeginnings】
15.
"I
wish
had
someone
to
talk
to
who
would
just
listen.
"
【#friendship】
16.
"It's
scary
to
think
about
growing
up
and
not
knowing
what
want
to
do.
"
【#futureuncertainty】
17.
"I
wish
people
would
stop
teasing
me
about
my
hobbies
and
interests.
"
【#dontjudge】
18.
"It's
hard
to
feel
happy
when
everything
around
me
is
so
negative.
"
【#positivity】
19.
"I
don't
like
being
the
center
of
attention,
it
makes
me
nervous.
"
【#stagefright】
20.
"I
wish
people
would
just
accept
me
for
who
am.
"
【#acceptance】