1.
"年华匆匆,情深意浓,却总是换了人间,误了时光。
"
【Time
flies,
love
fades,
changes
happen,
and
we
miss
the
moments.
】
2.
"曾经海誓山盟,如今只剩悔恨之声。
"
【Once
promised
for
forever,
now
only
filled
with
regrets.
】
3.
"爱无法承受寂寞,心无法承受背叛。
"
【Love
can't
survive
loneliness,
and
the
heart
can't
bear
betrayal.
】
4.
"似水流年,悲喜交加,情深意长,却总是辜负期望。
"
【Time
passes
by,
emotions
mixed,
love
runs
deep,
but
expectations
are
always
let
down.
】
5.
"陪你走过的日子,没有终点,只有悲伤和孤独。
"
【The
days
we
spent
are
endless,
filled
with
sorrow
and
loneliness.
】
6.
"曾经的愿望,曾经的承诺,只有我们心里知道。
"
【Our
wishes
and
promises,
only
known
deep
in
our
hearts.
】
7.
"爱情不是一场游戏,分手也不是一场闹剧。
"
【Love
is
not
a
game,
and
breakup
is
not
a
comedy.
】
8.
"情深意浓的爱情,最终还是被岁月打败了。
"
【Love
that
runs
deep,
eventually
defeated
by
time.
】
9.
"心煎大火的滋味,只有经历过才知道。
"
【The
feeling
of
heartbreak,
only
understood
when
experienced.
】
10.
"人心最难懂,最深的情感最容易受伤。
"
【The
heart
is
the
hardest
to
understand,
and
the
deepest
emotions
are
the
most
vulnerable
to
pain.
】
11.
"流年如水,一转眼就一年又一年。
可我的心里,时间似乎还停在那份感情的起点。
"
【Time
flies
by,
year
after
year.
But
in
my
heart,
it
feels
like
time
stopped
at
the
beginning
of
that
love.
】
2.
"我愿意赴汤蹈火,却不愿意付出百倍的感情却收获十倍的伤害。
"
【I'm
willing
to
do
anything
for
love,
but
won't
put
in
a
hundred
percent
and
only
receive
ten
percent
in
return.
】
3.
"假如真的有前世今生,我一定曾经爱过你。
"
【If
past
lives
and
reincarnation
are
real,
must
have
loved
you
before.
】
4.
"在爱情面前,我们都像个小孩,谁都不想输。
"
【In
front
of
love,
we're
all
like
children
who
don't
want
to
lose.
】
5.
"最悲伤的事情就是,你比任何人都熟悉我的心灵,却不知道怎么让我开心。
"
【The
saddest
thing
is
that
you
know
my
soul
better
than
anyone
else,
but
you
don't
know
how
to
make
me
happy.
】
6.
"有时候,最无法释怀的不是失去,而是那份曾经拥有过的完美。
"
【Sometimes,
it's
not
the
loss
that
we
can't
let
go
of,
but
the
perfection
that
we
once
had.
】
7.
"你离开我了,心灵空荡荡的感觉,就像夜里抬头看到满天繁星,忽然就落下无限的寂寞。
"
【You
left
me,
and
the
hollow
feeling
in
my
soul
is
like
looking
up
at
the
stars
at
night
and
suddenly
feeling
an
infinite
loneliness.
】
8.
"别让自己陷入太深的情感里,因为走出来太难了。
"
【Don't
let
yourself
get
too
deep
into
emotions,
because
it's
too
hard
to
get
out.
】
9.
"爱情,原本就是难以预料的,无声胜有声,无情胜有情。
"
【Love
is
unpredictable,
and
sometimes
it's
the
unspoken
and
heartless
that
win.
】
20.
"人生何必执着于一个人,当我们拥有无数的美好回忆和可以期待的未来。
"
【Life
isn't
about
holding
onto
one
person,
but
about
the
countless
beautiful
memories
we
have
and
the
future
we
can
look
forward
to.
】