.jpg)
1.
Knowledge
is
not
just
power,
but
also
a
key
that
unlocks
the
mysteries
of
life.
【知识不仅是力量,也是打开生命之谜的钥匙。
】
2.
With
knowledge
comes
understanding,
and
with
understanding
comes
a
greater
appreciation
for
the
world
around
us.
【有了知识,便有了理解,有了理解,我们就会更加欣赏周围的世界。
】
3.
Learning
is
a
lifelong
pursuit
that
enriches
the
mind
and
broadens
our
horizons.
【学习是一生的追求,它丰富了我们的思想,拓展了我们的视野。
】
4.
The
pursuit
of
knowledge
is
a
journey
that
never
ends,
and
the
destination
is
always
within
reach.
【追求知识是永远不会结束的旅程,目的地总是近在咫尺。
】
5.
Learning
empowers
us
to
achieve
our
dreams
and
reach
our
fullest
potential.
【学习赋予了我们实现梦想和发挥最大潜力的力量。
】
6.
The
beauty
of
education
is
that
it
allows
us
to
discover
the
beauty
within
ourselves
and
the
world
around
us.
【教育的美在于它使我们发现自身和周围世界的美。
】
7.
Knowledge
is
a
light
that
illuminates
our
path
and
guides
us
towards
a
better
future.
【知识像一盏明灯照亮我们的道路,指引我们走向更美好的未来。
】
8.
Learning
is
not
just
about
acquiring
information,
but
also
about
developing
critical
thinking
and
analytical
skills.
【学习不仅是获取信息,更是发展批判性思维和分析能力。
】
9.
The
pursuit
of
knowledge
requires
patience,
perseverance,
and
a
willingness
to
explore
new
ideas
and
perspectives.
【追求知识需要耐心、毅力和一个愿意探索新思想和观点的心态。
】
10.
Education
is
a
valuable
gift
that
we
should
cherish
and
use
to
make
a
positive
impact
on
the
world
around
us.
【教育是一份宝贵的礼物,我们应珍惜它并用它创造积极的世界影响。
】
11.
The
beauty
of
learning
is
that
it
encourages
us
to
question
the
world
around
us
and
seek
out
answers.
【学习的美在于它鼓励我们质疑周围的世界并寻找答案。
】
12.
Knowledge
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey
that
is
meant
to
be
enjoyed
and
shared
with
others.
【知识不是一个目的地,而是一段旅程,应该享受并与他人分享。
】
13.
The
pursuit
of
knowledge
is
a
continuous
process
that
requires
us
to
be
open-minded,
curious,
and
humble.
【追求知识是一个不断进行的过程,需要我们持开放心态、保持好奇心和谦虚。
】
14.
Education
is
the
most
powerful
tool
we
have
to
create
a
better
future
for
ourselves
and
for
future
generations.
【教育是我们创造更美好未来的最强有力的工具,不仅仅是为了自己,还为了后代。
】
15.
Learning
is
a
journey
of
self-discovery
that
helps
us
find
our
passions,
interests,
and
talents.
【学习是一次自我发现的旅程,帮助我们找到自己的激情、兴趣和才能。
】
16.
Knowledge
is
like
a
well
that
never
runs
dry,
and
the
deeper
we
go,
the
more
we
discover.
【知识就像一口永远不会干涸的井,我们越深入,就能发现越多。
】
17.
Education
is
an
investment
in
ourselves
that
pays
dividends
for
a
lifetime.
【教育是我们对自己的一笔投资,一生受益无穷。
】
18.
Learning
is
a
process
of
growth
that
helps
us
become
better
versions
of
ourselves.
【学习是一种成长过程,帮助我们变得更好的自己。
】
19.
Knowledge
is
a
gift
that
keeps
on
giving,
the
more
we
share
it,
the
more
it
multiplies.
【知识是一份不断回馈的礼物,我们分享得越多,它就越多。
】
20.
Education
is
a
journey
that
takes
us
to
new
heights
and
helps
us
achieve
our
full
potential.
【教育是一次带我们达到新高度的旅程,帮助我们发挥自身全部潜力。
】