.jpg)
1.
"Every
time
resist
the
urge
to
smoke,
it's
a
reminder
that
my
love
for
you
is
stronger
than
any
addiction.
"】
2.
"Quitting
smoking
is
not
just
for
myself,
it's
a
declaration
of
my
commitment
to
our
love
story.
"】
3.
"Just
as
our
love
is
a
breath
of
fresh
air,
quitting
smoking
allows
me
to
breathe
freely
and
deeply.
"】
4.
"Inhaling
your
love,
exhale
the
smoke
of
my
past.
"】
5.
"Giving
up
smoking
is
my
way
of
making
space
in
my
life
for
our
love
to
grow
and
flourish.
"】
6.
"Every
cigarette
not
smoked
is
a
testament
to
the
power
of
love,
pushing
away
the
darkness
that
smoking
brings.
"】
7.
"With
every
puff
abstain
from,
am
one
step
closer
to
a
smoke-free
future
with
you.
"】
8.
"Breaking
the
chains
of
smoking
allows
our
love
to
reach
new
heights,
untethered
by
the
bonds
of
addiction.
"】
9.
"I
choose
you
over
cigarettes
because
your
love
is
the
sweetest
addiction
I've
ever
known.
"】
10.
"By
quitting
smoking,
am
taking
control
of
my
life,
refusing
to
let
this
habit
dictate
the
course
of
our
love.
"】
11.
"Smoke-free
days
are
filled
with
the
fragrance
of
love,
replacing
the
lingering
scent
of
cigarettes.
"】
12.
"When
crave
a
cigarette,
will
remind
myself
of
the
warmth
and
comfort
your
love
brings
instead.
"】
13.
"Each
time
resist
the
allure
of
smoking,
am
nurturing
our
love,
allowing
it
to
thrive
and
flourish.
"】
14.
"Just
as
our
love
burns
brightly,
will
extinguish
the
flames
of
my
smoking
addiction.
"】
15.
"Quitting
smoking
is
a
testament
to
the
lengths
I'm
willing
to
go
for
our
love,
for
a
healthier
and
happier
future
together.
"】
16.
"With
every
cigarette
let
go
of,
am
rediscovering
the
joy
and
vitality
that
our
love
brings.
"】
17.
"My
love
for
you
is
like
a
lighthouse,
guiding
me
through
the
darkness
of
nicotine
cravings.
"】
18.
"In
a
world
where
love
is
rare,
choose
you
and
a
smoke-free
life
to
savor
our
connection.
"】
19.
"I
refuse
to
let
tobacco
cloud
the
clarity
of
our
love;
quitting
smoking
is
a
declaration
of
my
commitment
to
us.
"】
20.
"Overcoming
the
grip
of
smoking
shows
the
depths
of
my
devotion
to
our
love,
as
break
free
from
its
suffocating
hold.
"】