1.
Failure
is
not
the
end;
it's
an
opportunity
to
grow.
【成长】
2.
Embrace
challenges,
for
they
can
teach
us
valuable
life
lessons.
【教会】
3.
Pain
and
hardship
can
be
catalysts
for
personal
growth.
【成长】
4.
Every
experience
in
life,
good
or
bad,
offers
an
opportunity
to
learn
and
mature.
【教会】
5.
Mistakes
are
not
failures,
but
stepping
stones
on
the
road
to
personal
development.
【成长】
6.
The
challenges
we
face
help
us
develop
resilience
and
courage.
【成长】
7.
Life
is
a
journey
of
growth
and
self-discovery.
【成长】
8.
Keep
an
open
mind
and
learn
from
every
situation
life
presents
you
with.
【教会】
9.
Adversity
builds
character
and
helps
us
become
stronger
individuals.
【成长】
10.
Failure
is
not
a
setback,
but
a
chance
to
learn
and
improve.
【成长】
11.
Surround
yourself
with
people
who
inspire
you
to
be
your
best
self.
【成长】
12.
Challenges
are
opportunities
for
growth,
not
reasons
to
give
up.
【成长】
13.
Life's
obstacles
are
the
building
blocks
of
our
personal
development.
【成长】
14.
Success
is
not
just
about
achieving
our
goals,
but
also
about
the
lessons
we
learn
along
the
way.
【教会】
15.
We
often
learn
more
from
our
failures
than
we
do
from
our
successes.
【教会】
16.
Life
is
a
constant
teacher,
and
we
must
be
open
to
its
lessons.
【教会】
17.
Through
struggles,
we
learn
what
we're
capable
of
and
what
truly
matters
in
life.
【成长】
18.
Embrace
change,
for
it
can
offer
us
opportunities
for
growth
and
self-discovery.
【成长】
19.
Happiness
can
only
be
found
when
we
embrace
the
challenges
and
lessons
that
life
presents
us
with.
【教会】
20.
No
matter
what
life
throws
our
way,
we
always
have
the
power
to
grow
and
transform
ourselves.
【成长】