.jpg)
1.
"I
choose
you,
and
I'll
choose
you
over
and
over
and
over.
Without
pause,
without
a
doubt,
in
a
heartbeat.
I'll
keep
choosing
you.
"
-
Grey's
Anatomy【爱情的选择】
2.
"Love
isn't
supposed
to
make
sense.
It's
completely
insane.
"
-
Longmire【疯狂的爱情】
3.
"If
you're
willing
to
take
the
ride,
it's
worth
the
fall.
"
-
Friends【爱情的坠落】
4.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling,
Mr.
Burns.
It's
an
ability.
"
-
The
Simpsons【爱情的能力】
5.
"I
never
thought
anyone
would
ever
make
me
feel
the
way
you
do.
So
seen,
so
understood,
so
challenged,
so
inspired.
"
-
New
Girl【爱情的感受】
6.
"Love
is
the
closest
thing
we
have
to
magic.
"
-
Once
Upon
a
Time【爱情的魔力】
7.
"I
like
you
just
the
way
you
are.
"
-
Mr.
Rogers【爱情的接纳】
8.
"I
think
we're
most
alive
when
we're
in
love.
"
-
Outlander【爱情的生命力】
9.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind,
love
means
slowly
losing
your
mind.
"
-
The
Good
Place【爱情的忍耐与善良】
10.
"I
love
you
more
than
anything
in
this
whole
wide
world.
But
I'm
not
the
person
you
want
me
to
be.
"
-
Breaking
Bad【爱情的挣扎】
11.
"If
you
can't
be
with
the
one
you
love,
love
the
one
you're
with.
"
-
How
Met
Your
Mother【爱情的接受】
12.
"Love
isn't
about
grand
gestures,
it's
about
the
little
things.
"
-
The
Office【爱情的微小而美好】
13.
"I
loved
her
against
reason,
against
promise,
against
peace,
against
hope,
against
happiness,
against
all
discouragement
that
could
be.
"
-
Great
Expectations【爱情的不可遏制】
14.
"All
ever
wanted
for
you
is
to
be
happy.
That's
all
want
for
you.
Is
that
bad?"
-
Modern
Family【爱情的无私】
15.
"Love
is
not
a
sprint,
it's
a
marathon.
"
-
How
to
Get
Away
with
Murder【爱情的耐力】
16.
"I
wish
knew
how
to
quit
you.
"
-
Brokeback
Mountain【爱情的无法放弃】
17.
"I
think
some
people
are
just
meant
to
be
together
and
you
guys
are
those
people.
"
-
Gossip
Girl【爱情的缘分】
18.
"I
want
all
of
you,
forever,
you
and
me,
every
day.
"
-
The
Notebook【爱情的永恒】
19.
"I
love
you
like
crazy,
baby,
'cuz
I'd
go
crazy
without
you.
"
-
Modern
Family【爱情的疯狂】
20.
"If
you
love
someone,
you
tell
them.
Even
if
you’re
scared
that
it’s
not
the
right
thing,
even
if
you're
scared
that
it'll
cause
problems.
You
say
it.
And
you
say
it
loud.
"
-
Grey's
Anatomy【爱情的勇气】