1.
"Bonded
for
life
with
my
ride-or-die
friend!"
【#friendshipgoals】
2.
"Friends
who
stick
around
even
when
you're
at
your
lowest
point.
"
【#truefriends】
3.
"Blessed
to
have
a
friend
who's
practically
a
sibling
to
me.
"
【#friendshipisfamily】
4.
"My
bestie
knows
all
my
secrets
and
loves
me
regardless.
"
【#friendshipforlife】
5.
"Spending
time
with
my
friend
is
always
the
best
therapy.
"
【#bestmedicine】
6.
"Friends
who
support
and
push
you
to
be
your
best
self.
"
【#motivation】
7.
"Forever
grateful
for
the
day
we
became
best
friends.
"
【#lifelongbond】
8.
"Love
my
friend
so
much
that
I'd
go
to
the
ends
of
the
earth
for
them.
"
【#unconditionallove】
9.
"Friends
who
build
you
up
and
make
you
feel
invincible.
"
【#positivevibes】
10.
"The
one
person
can
always
count
on
to
have
my
back.
"
【#rideordie】
11.
"My
friend
is
like
a
mirror,
always
reflecting
back
the
best
in
me.
"
【#selfconfidenceboost】
12.
"Friends
who
share
the
same
weirdness
level
as
you
are
a
blessing.
"
【#justright】
13.
"Laughter
and
joy
are
always
present
when
I'm
with
my
friend.
"
【#happinessiscontagious】
14.
"True
friends
are
the
ones
who
know
how
to
make
you
laugh
even
on
your
worst
days.
"
【#laughteristhebestmedicine】
15.
"My
friend
is
the
constant
in
my
life
amid
all
the
changes
and
challenges.
"
【#stability】
16.
"Friends
who
have
seen
you
at
your
worst
and
still
choose
to
stick
around.
"
【#reallove】
17.
"My
friend's
presence
in
my
life
adds
so
much
color,
joy,
and
adventure.
"
【#lifewelllived】
18.
"Friends
who
understand
and
accept
your
flaws
make
life
so
much
easier.
"
【#acceptance】
19.
"In
a
world
full
of
acquaintances,
it's
the
deep
friendships
that
make
life
worth
living.
"
【#truelifehappiness】
20.
"Having
a
friend
by
your
side
makes
the
journey
of
life
so
much
more
enjoyable.
"
【#friendshipmakeslifebetter】