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1.
Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
【爱情不是占有,而是欣赏。
】
2.
When
two
hearts
beat
as
one,
the
world
seems
like
a
better
place.
【两颗心共鸣,世界仿佛更美好。
】
3.
Love
is
the
only
thing
that
grows
when
you
give
it
away.
【爱是唯一一样你给出,它就会增长的东西。
】
4.
To
love
deeply
in
one
direction
makes
us
more
loving
in
all
others.
【在一个方向深爱,使我们在其他所有方面更具爱心。
】
5.
Love
is
not
just
about
feeling
good,
it's
also
about
doing
good.
【爱不仅是感觉良好,也需要行动。
】
6.
Love
is
the
bridge
that
connects
two
hearts
and
makes
them
one.
【爱是连接两颗心的桥梁,让它们变成一颗心。
】
7.
True
love
is
not
about
finding
someone
who
completes
you,
but
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
completely.
【真正的爱情不是找到一个能补全你的人,而是找到一个完全接受你的人。
】
8.
Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
does
not
envy,
it
does
not
boast,
it
is
not
proud.
【爱是有耐心的,爱是慈祥的。
它不嫉妒,不自夸,不自大。
】
9.
Love
sees
no
color,
no
gender,
no
religion.
Love
sees
only
the
soul.
【爱情不分肤色、性别、宗教。
爱情只看灵魂。
】
10.
Love
is
like
a
flower,
it
needs
space
and
time
to
blossom.
【爱情如花,需要时间和空间开花。
】
11.
When
you
fall
in
love,
everything
around
you
becomes
beautiful.
【当你陷入爱情,你周围的一切都变得美丽。
】
12.
Love
is
not
a
feeling,
it's
an
action.
It's
a
constant
effort
to
improve
and
care
for
the
one
you
love.
【爱不是一种感觉,而是一种行动。
它是不断努力,关心你所爱的人。
】
13.
In
love,
the
smallest
gestures
can
mean
the
most.
【在爱情中,最微小的手势可以意味着一切。
】
14.
True
love
is
not
about
perfection,
it's
about
acceptance
of
imperfections.
【真正的爱情不是关于完美,而是接受缺陷。
】
15.
Love
is
not
just
about
being
together,
it's
about
growing
together.
【爱情不只是在一起,更是一起成长。
】
16.
Love
is
not
about
waiting
for
someone,
it's
about
creating
something
together.
【爱情不是等待某个人出现,而是一起创造美好的未来。
】
17.
In
love,
the
best
feeling
is
knowing
that
someone
loves
you
just
the
way
you
are.
【在爱情中,最美妙的感觉是知道有人爱你的本来面目。
】
18.
Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
giving
freedom.
【爱不是占有,而是给予自由。
】
19.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
commitment
to
always
be
there
for
each
other.
【爱不仅是一种感觉,更是永远相伴的承诺。
】
20.
Love
is
the
greatest
gift
we
can
give
and
receive,
and
it
never
runs
out.
【爱是我们能给予和接受的最大礼物,而它永远不会用尽。
】