1.
"Our
love
may
be
like
a
sand
clock,
with
the
sand
trickling
away,
but
I'll
cherish
each
moment
with
you.
"
【爱情就像沙漏,砂子一粒一粒流失,但我会珍惜与你的每一个瞬间。
】
2.
"Just
like
a
sand
clock
needs
to
be
turned
over,
our
love
needs
to
be
nurtured
and
maintained
for
it
to
keep
flowing.
"
【正如沙漏需要翻转,我们的爱也需要保养和维系才能持续流淌。
】
3.
"Our
love
story
is
like
a
sand
clock,
with
a
beginning
and
an
end,
but
the
beautiful
memories
will
last
forever.
"
【我们的爱情故事就像一个沙漏,有开始也有结束,但美好的回忆会永远留存。
】
4.
"The
sand
in
the
sand
clock
may
run
out,
but
the
love
we
share
will
never
run
dry.
"
【沙漏中的沙子可能流尽,但我们分享的爱永远不会断绝。
】
5.
"Like
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock,
time
is
fleeting,
but
our
love
is
infinite.
"
【像沙漏中的沙子一样,时间流逝得很快,但我们的爱是永恒的。
】
6.
"Our
love
may
have
its
ups
and
downs,
like
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock,
but
it
always
finds
its
way
back
again.
"
【我们的爱情可能会有起起落落,就像沙漏里的沙子,但它总能找到回家的路。
】
7.
"Just
as
the
sand
clock
counts
time,
so
does
our
love
count
each
moment
spent
together.
"
【正如沙漏计时,我们的爱情也在计算每一分每一秒的相处。
】
8.
"Our
love
is
like
a
sand
clock,
with
its
own
unique
pattern
and
rhythm.
"
【我们的爱情就像一个沙漏,有着独特的图案和节奏。
】
9.
"Just
like
how
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock
mixes
together,
our
love
is
a
beautiful
blend
of
two
different
souls.
"
【就像沙漏里的沙子混合在一起,我们的爱是两个不同灵魂的美丽融合。
】
10.
"The
sand
in
the
sand
clock
may
be
measured,
but
the
depth
of
our
love
is
immeasurable.
"
【沙漏中的沙子可以测量,但我们的爱情之深度是无法计算的。
】
11.
"Our
love
may
flow
like
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock,
but
it
never
stops.
"
【我们的爱情可能像沙漏里的沙子一样流动,但它从不停止。
】
12.
"Like
a
sand
clock
that
needs
to
be
turned
over
to
keep
time,
our
love
needs
constant
attention
and
nurturing
to
thrive.
"
【就像沙漏需要翻转来计时,我们的爱也需要不断的关注和培养才能茁壮成长。
】
13.
"Our
love
is
like
a
sand
clock
that's
constantly
changing,
with
each
grain
of
sand
representing
a
moment
in
our
journey
together.
"
【我们的爱情就像一个不断变化的沙漏,每一粒沙子都代表着我们共同走过的时光。
】
14.
"The
sand
in
the
sand
clock
may
be
finite,
but
the
memories
we
make
together
will
last
a
lifetime.
"
【沙漏中的沙子可能有限,但我们在一起创造的回忆会永久留存。
】
15.
"Our
love
may
have
its
moments
of
doubt,
but
just
like
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock
always
finds
its
way
through,
so
will
we.
"
【我们的爱情可能会有怀疑的时刻,但就像沙漏的落砂总有出路,我们也会找到我们的方向。
】
16.
"Like
a
sand
clock
that's
ever-changing,
so
is
our
love
that's
constantly
evolving
and
growing.
"
【就像沙漏不断变化,我们的爱情也在不断进化和成长。
】
17.
"Our
love
may
be
like
a
sand
clock
that
will
eventually
run
out
of
time,
but
the
memories
we
make
will
live
on
forever.
"
【我们的爱情就像一个最终会流尽沙子的沙漏,但我们创造的回忆会永远留存在心中。
】
18.
"Just
as
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock
moves
at
its
own
pace,
so
does
our
love
that
blossoms
in
its
own
time.
"
【正如沙漏中的沙子按照自己的节奏流动,我们的爱情也以它自己的时间在开花结果。
】
19.
"Our
love
is
like
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock,
always
in
motion,
never
staying
still.
"
【我们的爱情就像沙漏里的沙子,总是不断流动,不曾停歇。
】
20.
"Like
the
sand
in
the
sand
clock,
our
love
may
shift
and
change,
but
it
remains
a
beautiful
work
of
art.
"
【就像沙漏中的沙子会变换位置,我们的爱情也会变化,但它仍是一件美丽的艺术品。
】