1.
"Let's
work
together
to
find
a
solution
that
benefits
everyone.
"
【合作】
2.
"I
appreciate
your
point
of
view
and
I'd
like
to
hear
more.
"
【尊重】
3.
"Why
don't
we
take
a
break
and
come
back
to
this
discussion
later?"
【冷静】
4.
"It's
okay
to
have
different
opinions,
we
just
need
to
find
a
common
ground.
"
【包容】
5.
"I'm
sorry
if
misunderstood
you,
could
you
explain
it
again?"
【沟通】
6.
"Let's
focus
on
the
task
at
hand
and
leave
personal
feelings
aside.
"
【专注】
7.
"I
trust
your
judgement,
what
do
you
think
is
the
best
approach?"
【信任】
8.
"Instead
of
blaming
each
other,
let's
analyze
what
went
wrong
and
how
we
can
fix
it.
"
【反省】
9.
"I
think
we
can
both
benefit
from
sharing
our
ideas
and
experiences.
"
【分享】
10.
"I
appreciate
your
efforts,
let's
keep
up
the
good
work.
"
【赞美】
11.
"We
all
make
mistakes,
let's
learn
from
them
and
move
forward.
"
【学习】
12.
"I
understand
where
you're
coming
from,
but
we
need
to
consider
all
perspectives.
"
【理解】
13.
"I'm
here
to
support
you,
let
me
know
how
can
help.
"
【支持】
14.
"We
may
have
different
priorities,
but
let's
work
on
finding
a
solution
that
meets
everyone's
needs.
"
【平衡】
15.
"I
value
your
input
and
I'm
open
to
new
ideas.
"
【开放】
16.
"Let's
avoid
personal
attacks
and
focus
on
finding
a
constructive
solution.
"
【建设性】
17.
"It's
important
that
we
listen
to
each
other
and
find
common
ground.
"
【倾听】
18.
"I
appreciate
your
patience
and
understanding
during
this
process.
"
【感激】
19.
"We
should
respect
each
other's
boundaries
and
opinions.
"
【尊重】
20.
"Let's
focus
on
the
bigger
picture
and
work
towards
a
common
goal.
"
【目标】