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1.
爱情让我们的生活变得更美好
【Love
makes
our
life
more
beautiful】
2.
真正的爱情无需言语,只需用心感受
【True
love
doesn't
need
words,
just
feel
with
your
heart】
3.
爱情是一种感觉,需要用心去呵护
【Love
is
a
feeling
that
needs
to
be
cherished
with
your
heart】
4.
爱情不是占有,而是欣赏对方的存在
【Love
is
not
possession,
it's
appreciating
each
other's
existence】
5.
爱情是一种信任,需要相互支持
【Love
is
about
trust,
and
mutual
support
is
necessary】
6.
真爱会让我们变成更好的人
【True
love
will
make
us
become
better
people】
7.
爱情就像一首歌,需要慢慢品味
【Love
is
like
a
song
that
needs
to
be
savored
slowly】
8.
爱情并不需要两个人完美无缺,只需要有彼此的包容和理解
【Love
doesn't
require
perfection,
just
the
tolerance
and
understanding
for
each
other】
9.
爱情是一份承诺,需要用行动去实践
【Love
is
a
commitment
that
needs
to
be
practiced
with
actions】
10.
爱情是一种感受,需要用心去感知
【Love
is
a
feeling
that
needs
to
be
felt
with
your
heart】
11.
爱情是一份礼物,需要用心收藏
【Love
is
a
gift
that
needs
to
be
cherished
with
your
heart】
12.
爱情是一条漫长的路程,需要相互扶持
【Love
is
a
long
journey
that
requires
mutual
support】
13.
真正的爱情是一种纯粹的感觉,不受任何物质条件影响
【True
love
is
a
pure
feeling
that
is
not
influenced
by
any
material
condition】
14.
爱情需要感性和理性共同作用
【Love
requires
the
combination
of
sensibility
and
rationality】
15.
爱情是一份永恒的承诺
【Love
is
an
eternal
commitment】
16.
爱情需要用心去细品,不能草草了事
【Love
needs
to
be
savored
carefully,
not
to
be
rushed】
17.
爱情是一种坚持,需要用心守护
【Love
is
a
persistence
that
needs
to
be
guarded
with
your
heart】
18.
爱情是一种创造,需要用心去体验
【Love
is
a
creation
that
needs
to
be
experienced
with
your
heart】
19.
爱情是一种信仰,需要用心去坚守
【Love
is
a
belief
that
needs
to
be
adhered
with
your
heart】
20.
爱情是一种美好的陪伴,需要用心去珍惜
【Love
is
a
beautiful
company
that
needs
to
be
cherished
with
your
heart】