.jpg)
1.
"Sitting
on
a
plush
American
sofa,
surrounded
by
the
warmth
of
home,
is
like
being
enveloped
in
a
cozy
embrace.
"
【感受舒适的沙发,仿佛被温暖的家庭环绕着。
】
2.
"The
smooth
leather
of
an
American
sofa
feels
like
butter
under
your
fingertips,
inviting
you
to
sink
in
and
relax.
"
【美式沙发的顺滑皮革让你觉得像在摸黄油,引导你的身心放松。
】
3.
"The
rich
colors
and
textures
of
American
sofas
are
a
reflection
of
the
diversity
and
beauty
of
the
country
itself.
"
【美式沙发丰富的颜色和质感反映了这个国家的多样性和美丽的特点。
】
4.
"The
gentle
curves
of
an
American
sofa
add
a
touch
of
femininity
and
grace
to
any
room.
"
【美式沙发柔和的曲线给任何房间都增添了一丝女性气质和优雅。
】
5.
"An
American
sofa
is
not
just
a
piece
of
furniture,
it's
a
symbol
of
comfort
and
security.
"
【美式沙发不仅仅是一件家具,它更是舒适和安全的象征。
】
6.
"Sitting
on
an
American
sofa
is
like
being
transported
to
another
world,
where
worries
melt
away
and
relaxation
takes
over.
"
【坐在美式沙发上就像被传送到另一个世界,所有的忧虑都烟消云散,只有放松留下。
】
7.
"The
timeless
design
of
American
sofas
ensures
they
will
never
go
out
of
style.
"
【美式沙发永恒的设计确保其永远不会过时。
】
8.
"There's
something
special
about
the
way
the
cushions
on
an
American
sofa
conform
to
your
body,
making
you
feel
like
you
were
made
for
each
other.
"
【美式沙发上的靠垫按照你的身体做了设计,这打造了一种独特的舒适感,就像身体和沙发是为彼此而生。
】
9.
"The
quality
craftsmanship
of
American-made
sofas
is
evident
in
every
detail,
from
the
stitching
on
the
upholstery
to
the
solid
construction
of
the
frame.
"
【美制沙发的高质量工艺在每一个细节中都有所展现,从织物的缝线到结构的坚固都体现在制作上。
】
10.
"An
American
sofa
is
more
than
just
a
place
to
sit,
it's
a
statement
piece
that
speaks
to
your
personal
style
and
taste.
"
【美式沙发不仅仅是一个坐的地方,它更是一件彰显个人风格和品味的主题家具。
】
11.
"The
supple
leather
of
an
American
sofa
is
as
inviting
as
a
warm
hug,
welcoming
you
to
unwind
and
let
go.
"
【美式沙发牛皮的柔软手感就像一次温暖的拥抱,它让人感到放松和释放。
】
12.
"An
American
sofa
is
the
perfect
centerpiece
for
a
living
room,
churching
the
space
with
its
timeless
sophistication.
"
【美式沙发是客厅的完美中心口,凭借其永恒的高贵和复杂性举起了空间的整体水平。
】
13.
"There's
no
better
place
to
kick
back
and
relax
than
on
an
American
sofa,
feeling
the
stress
of
the
day
melt
away.
"
【在美式沙发上躺下来和放松感觉一样无与伦比,你的一天压力可以在这里快速消融。
】
14.
"The
inviting
curves
and
deep
seat
of
an
American
sofa
make
it
the
ultimate
lounging
destination.
"
【美式沙发的温馨曲线和舒适的座椅深度使其成为放松的终极目的地。
】
15.
"An
American-made
sofa
is
not
just
a
piece
of
furniture,
it's
a
legacy
of
quality
and
craftsmanship
that
will
last
for
generations.
"
【美国制造的沙发不仅仅是一件家具,它是一种优质工艺的传承,并且会代代相传。
】
16.
"There's
a
reason
that
American
sofas
have
become
a
status
symbol,
representing
luxury,
comfort,
and
style
all
in
one.
"
【美式沙发成为了名副其实的地位象征,代表豪华,舒适和风格。
】
17.
"The
exquisite
detailing
and
luxurious
materials
of
an
American
sofa
are
a
testament
to
the
enduring
appeal
of
classic
design.
"
【美式沙发华丽的细节和奢华的材质证明了经典设计的吸引力与持久性。
】
18.
"An
American
sofa
is
like
a
trusted
friend,
always
there
to
welcome
you
home
and
provide
a
comfortable
place
to
rest.
"
【美国的沙发就像一个值得信赖的朋友,总是在那里欢迎你回家并提供舒适的休息场所。
】
19.
"The
sumptuous
fabrics
and
plush
cushions
of
an
American
sofa
make
it
the
perfect
spot
for
a
cozy
evening
in.
"
【美式沙发的奢华织物和柔软靠垫使它成为一个温暖舒适的夜晚的理想去处。
】
20.
"An
American
sofa
is
more
than
a
place
to
sit,
it's
a
work
of
art
that
puts
comfort
and
style
on
display.
"
【美式沙发不仅仅是作为坐的地方,它是一件展示舒适和风格的艺术品。
】