1.
True
love
is
built
on
the
foundation
of
friendship.
【#friendshipandlove】
2.
Friendship
is
the
starting
point,
but
love
is
the
destination.
【#fromfriendshiptolove】
3.
When
you
fall
in
love
with
your
friend,
the
bond
becomes
eternal.
【#eternalbond】
4.
Love
is
the
flame
that
ignites
from
the
spark
of
friendship.
【#friendshipspark】
5.
friend
who
becomes
a
lover
is
a
rare
treasure
indeed.
【#rareromance】
6.
The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
adds
depth
to
a
solid
foundation
of
friendship.
【#solidfoundation】
7.
When
you
love
your
friend,
you
get
to
experience
the
best
of
both
worlds.
【#bestofbothworlds】
8.
The
best
relationships
start
with
friendship
because
you
already
know
and
trust
each
other.
【#knowandtrust】
9.
Loving
a
friend
is
like
discovering
a
new
level
of
happiness
that
you
never
knew
existed.
【#newlevelofhappiness】
10.
With
a
friend,
you
can
be
yourself,
but
with
a
lover,
you
become
your
best
self.
【#beyourbestself】
11.
Love
that
starts
as
friendship
is
the
kind
that
lasts
forever.
【#foreverlove】
12.
True
friends
make
the
best
partners
in
life,
and
the
best
lovers
in
bed.
【#bestpartners】
13.
When
you
love
your
friend,
there
is
nothing
you
won't
do
to
make
them
happy.
【#nothingwontdo】
14.
The
transition
from
friendship
to
love
is
effortless
when
the
connection
is
strong.
【#strongconnection】
15.
The
greatest
love
stories
of
all
time
begin
with
friendship.
【#greatlovestories】
16.
Falling
in
love
with
your
friend
is
like
coming
home
to
the
person
you
were
always
meant
to
be
with.
【#homewithyou】
17.
Friendship
that
turns
to
love
is
the
greatest
gift
of
all.
【#greatestgift】
18.
Love
and
friendship
go
hand
in
hand,
creating
a
bond
that
stands
the
test
of
time.
【#testoftime】
19.
Once
you
cross
the
line
between
friendship
and
love,
there's
no
going
back.
【#nogoback】
20.
True
love
is
the
final
destination
after
a
journey
of
friendship.
【#finaldestination】